July 24, 2006


I was doing some market research in various publications and came across the new campaign for Charmin toilet paper! So much better than the bloody Bears Shitting in the Woods campaign! The new Bacardi one looks cool too with two people dressed as salmon running the New York Marathon in the opposite direction! Funny!

To see the ad just put your mouse on the arse! Not literally Welshies!

July 23, 2006

Enough! Full Stop!

I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves. I know we're a pretty depraved bunch, but surely we have to draw the line somewhere. Intelligent adults like you making petty jokes about child molestation and incest. Quite honestly, neither myself nor Steph find it in the least bit funny. Think of all the poor kids out there being molested, beaten and sexually abused by their so-called 'loved ones' and you lot have the nerve to take the piss.

Could you therefore please kindly keep any silliness to Uncle Fatty's 'penchant' for bestiality in the Broads and Nick's bizarre fixation on dogging.

July 20, 2006

It's been 3 days since anyone even commented on this sad excuse for a cockney forum! Pay attention you slitty eyed, wobbly weirdos! Or I'll get this little man on you! And you don't want that! Trust me.

July 13, 2006

God Bless 'em!!

One day we'll all live in a a bio-genetically altered world where we won't have to suffer this kind of disfigurement?...until then...make hey while the sun shines!...Oh no! sorry!....make hayfever while the sun burns!!! sorry! i meant ...burn while the rest of us ..tan!

July 11, 2006

Sacre Bleu!

For those of you that weren't watching, the hopes of the French nation and the career of one of the game's greatest players came to a crashing end last night, when France were beaten on penalties by Italy after seeing their inspirational captain, Zinedine Zidane, sent off late in extra time for a dramatic headbutt on Marco Materazzi (see exhibit A). TV pictures seemed to show that words were exchanged between the 2 players and Zidane was even seen to be smiling until Materazzi said something that made the legend see 'red'.

What could Materazzi possibly have said to provoke such a reaction? The winning answer will receive a week in Bristol looking after 2 midgets. Second prize is 2 weeks. Boom boom.

July 08, 2006

It's Kev's Birthday everybody! Strangely enough it's also the anniversary of that little kerfuffle in Roswell (OK so it was a different year, but there must be a connection).

Superstar of over 50 films (one of which was a classic) and subject of the famours parlour game is 48 today.

This month's competition is a double whammy. A prize for putting the best phrase in the mouth of the thinking grandma's totty, and another for naming the single classic film he graced.

July 07, 2006

Oi! Anyone There?!

Erm..hello? Anyone? I know you've all got busy lives righting all the wrongs in the socialist world, but spare a thought for the blog! Stop working so damn hard and having so much bloody fun, and start writing on this stupid site will you! Goddamit!


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