July 11, 2006

Sacre Bleu!

For those of you that weren't watching, the hopes of the French nation and the career of one of the game's greatest players came to a crashing end last night, when France were beaten on penalties by Italy after seeing their inspirational captain, Zinedine Zidane, sent off late in extra time for a dramatic headbutt on Marco Materazzi (see exhibit A). TV pictures seemed to show that words were exchanged between the 2 players and Zidane was even seen to be smiling until Materazzi said something that made the legend see 'red'.

What could Materazzi possibly have said to provoke such a reaction? The winning answer will receive a week in Bristol looking after 2 midgets. Second prize is 2 weeks. Boom boom.


  1. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    "Phwoar, your breath stinks........have you been eating your wife's cunt chops?"  

  2. Debs2 said...

    Nothing to say except i would love second place, please!  

  3. Debs2 said...

    Are the results in yet??  


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