July 13, 2006

God Bless 'em!!

One day we'll all live in a a bio-genetically altered world where we won't have to suffer this kind of disfigurement?...until then...make hey while the sun shines!...Oh no! sorry!....make hayfever while the sun burns!!! sorry! i meant ...burn while the rest of us ..tan!


  1. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    No comments yet, eh Samster? This post's obviously going down a storm with the rest of our correspondents (if that's not too posh a word for for some of the social dross this 'ere blogsite seems to have attracted). Don't worry though, I think everyone in the family is simply anxious about the risk of offending one of our number - and I think that person knows who he is!!! Tee hee, I say fuck him - let's have a publishing bonanza and get the ginger son of a bitch! I'll start - we may well all go out dogging up here in Norfolk, but at least that's better than porking the arse-end of a mutton machine on a lads' Friday night out!  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    Since when have any of us been anxious about offending anyone? Not only is he ginger, he's a Trekkie!Nevermind, he'll be grey soon.  


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