It's been 3 days since anyone even commented on this sad excuse for a cockney forum! Pay attention you slitty eyed, wobbly weirdos! Or I'll get this little man on you! And you don't want that! Trust me.
Dear East Wind, you're wasting your time with this bunch of feckin' no-life saddo freakshows. I know they're family, but let's face it they're all either mingers or bonkers or both. Not like you and me - we're special. How about we set up a blogsite all of our own and tell the others to go fuck 'emselves. Let's get it on together so we can explore the possibilities of just how filthy, depraved and offensive a blogsite can really be - I think you know what I'm talking about. We have a lot in common you and me, and the DNA thing is not really seen as a problem here in Norfolk. Stick with me darlin' and I'll show you a good time! P.S. Have you got any dirty pictures of yourself? P.P.S. Have you ever been dogging?
Haow 'bout 4 duzzen eyggs, 2 bags o' samphire an' a pointe o' goots milk for thaat thayr rum ow mawther an' a string o' Norfolk bangers for each o' them thayr titty-totty little ow bors? If yew loike, oi'll threw in a bucket o' moi best hoom-made soyder an' a roide on mi bess dickie - ass big 'n' bootiful!
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Slitty eyed?! Wobbly?! Weird?! How very dare you!!
Dear East Wind, you're wasting your time with this bunch of feckin' no-life saddo freakshows. I know they're family, but let's face it they're all either mingers or bonkers or both. Not like you and me - we're special. How about we set up a blogsite all of our own and tell the others to go fuck 'emselves. Let's get it on together so we can explore the possibilities of just how filthy, depraved and offensive a blogsite can really be - I think you know what I'm talking about. We have a lot in common you and me, and the DNA thing is not really seen as a problem here in Norfolk. Stick with me darlin' and I'll show you a good time! P.S. Have you got any dirty pictures of yourself? P.P.S. Have you ever been dogging?
LOL!!!!! Does this site have NO restrictions on it, NONE?????
.............are you scared, Bex? (I like 'em scared!)
PLEASE HELP ME!!! I think I've been living in Norfolf for too long..............!!! P.S Does anyone know where I can buy a banjo?
How much will you pay for my daughter? I've got 2 grandsons under 12. Any offers?
Haow 'bout 4 duzzen eyggs, 2 bags o' samphire an' a pointe o' goots milk for thaat thayr rum ow mawther an' a string o' Norfolk bangers for each o' them thayr titty-totty little ow bors? If yew loike, oi'll threw in a bucket o' moi best hoom-made soyder an' a roide on mi bess dickie - ass big 'n' bootiful!