July 24, 2006


I was doing some market research in various publications and came across the new campaign for Charmin toilet paper! So much better than the bloody Bears Shitting in the Woods campaign! The new Bacardi one looks cool too with two people dressed as salmon running the New York Marathon in the opposite direction! Funny!

To see the ad just put your mouse on the arse! Not literally Welshies!


  1. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    Good one - my favourite is 'serving up the panty moose' - anybody know of any others? If not, why not make some up!!!  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    This is all very well but on a more serious note, what do men do about 'chug-nuts'? I've heard that really good girlfriends cut them off for you.  

  3. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    I get my dog to lick 'em off.  

  4. Dame Judi said...

    Nice to see them put to good use! By the way, Uncle fatty doesn't have a dog.Wonder what does the licking. I once saw a rat in his garden...  


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