Erm..hello? Anyone? I know you've all got busy lives righting all the wrongs in the socialist world, but spare a thought for the blog! Stop working so damn hard and having so much bloody fun, and start writing on this stupid site will you! Goddamit!
Recipe - STUFFED CUNT-CHOPS Ingredients: 2 cunt chops, stuffing. Method: Separate cunt chops - take a hand full of stuffing and force into cavity. Serve warm with a nice anchovy dressing.
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Get stuffed cunt-chops!
P.S Stuffed cunt-chops is a popular dish here in Norfolk - tastes a bit like raw chicken (so I'm told)
Ingredients: 2 cunt chops, stuffing. Method: Separate cunt chops - take a hand full of stuffing and force into cavity. Serve warm with a nice anchovy dressing.
I am so proud to be this mans niece!!!
He probably used to live in My Big Hairy Fanny.
No aunty you carry on about your big hairy fanny, it gives hope to us all x
What did it taste like.........?
Your lucky i had to eat haggis!!!
Debs2 - you will have to explain that one!