June 27, 2006
I think it's high time for a family reunion photo such as this little gem! When are we going to get together and have a large knees up? I heard rumours of something happening in June, but that didn't happen (unless I wasn't invited....hmmm) and also something happening in September. So what's it to be you genetically repressed lot? Do I mean repressed? Or is it depressed? My god maybe the senile dementia has started already. Bugger! Anyway, suggestions on a postcard to www.duh.com! A sunshine coach will be available to transport those people who have ever been on anti-depressants! You can't miss it. It says Big Hairy Fanny on the side. Speaking of Big Hairy Fanny...
yes please, we need a fat controller to organise and i know just the man!!!!
I think it should be in September/October in a village called Lyng in Norfolk. Should we tell Chris or just turn up?We could all bring food and music. What more do we need?
I think Andy, Sarah and Jess should be invited as well. Shit off!(in joke for marchers only)
I could bring some Chas n' Dave and a tape of grandad singing, Mick some Mrs Mills and Bex some Justin Timberlake.What would you bring?
Chris has agreed and is booking the village hall for sometime in October.With speakers and microphone etc!