April 20, 2007

My old brain is forgeting important stuff; I need the gaps filled in. I must know...

Sunday is roast beef
Saturday is - - - - -
Friday is fish & chips
Thursday is shepherds pie
Wednesday is - - - - - - -
Tuesday is soo-oup
Monday is washing day
Is ev'rybody 'appy?
You bet ya life we are!

Unfortunately, my impending wedding is fast turning my father into Larry David; grumpy, uber-stressed and just a downright pain in the arse (alright, not much has changed then!)
So, following his orders, I am to inform you all of the following:
The Evans will be staying at my house and ........
The Braithwaites will be staying at little Debs house and ..........
Uncle Chris and Sian can and probably will stay where there is most booze!
Please bring bedding and blow up devices (but not plastic pammy Samster!).
My sister has kindly offered to have a bit of a do at her house after the wedding and before the party (11am to 7pm).
Orders followed. Mission accomplished. I hope to christ this stops the old man from having a bleeding coronary!! x

April 08, 2007

Yes, I know it's hard to believe, but I've been around for 4 years now. Think about it. That's even longer than this blog!

It was a typical day of hunting for Easter eggs, bursting balloons, opening presents, eating cake, fighting with my brother and generally getting really hyper on all the fantastic sugary food that Mum and Dad bought for the occasion.

Anyway, screw this computer stuff, there's some serious four-year-old arsing about to be done. I'm off to get dressed up as Nacho Libre again. Laters, dudes...


April 02, 2007

No!....you fucking have her mate! No seriously......please?

This should set those female tongues a wagging instead of nagging??
As The Beach Boys once said......"Wouldn't it be nice.....!"

thank you mother

well i did have some news to post, but seeing as big fat deb has stolen my thunder i now have nothing to report...other than YAY!! now all that remains of my master plan is to acheive world dominatrix mwahaha!!!!


This chappie just got signed to Sain Records.!!!! He plays the arse pipes ( I thought it was the gertar but he assures me it's actually the arse pipes, which is funny because I don't recall paying for any arse-pipe lessons??) in a Welsh folk band (it doesn't have a name yet) and they are now signed to this record label , same one as Aled Jones (but hey,.......they can't help that!) They're playing a few slots at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod in July and have a few gigs lined up in the meantime. Congratulations - llongyfarchiadau cariad!!


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