April 20, 2007
My old brain is forgeting important stuff; I need the gaps filled in. I must know...
Sunday is roast beef
Saturday is - - - - -
Friday is fish & chips
Thursday is shepherds pie
Wednesday is - - - - - - -
Tuesday is soo-oup
Monday is washing day
Is ev'rybody 'appy?
You bet ya life we are!
Saturday is..Tiswas Day!
Wednesday is..not spelt as you think it should be and lies too far away from either weekend..the bastard?!?
Does that help?
It does not help, no, but thank you very much for asking. In fact it isabsofuckinlutely useless.
I don't like, I don't like,
I don't like Mondays...
Who the hell is Ivor?! I've know I've been away for a while but Jesus!
Oh and Monday is Snails day, Tuesday is Foie Gras day, Wednesday is Gambas day and Thursday is Steak day, and Saturday is Snails day and Sunday is....
Surely Saturday is beer and curry night.Monday should be shepherds pie night when you use the left over meat from Sunday!
Yeah yeah! Don't tell me.....it's soooo simple! It's easy! No effort at all!
See you've even got Alun's colouring and complexion.