April 02, 2007

Professional Musician!!

This chappie just got signed to Sain Records.!!!! He plays the arse pipes ( I thought it was the gertar but he assures me it's actually the arse pipes, which is funny because I don't recall paying for any arse-pipe lessons??) in a Welsh folk band (it doesn't have a name yet) and they are now signed to this record label , same one as Aled Jones (but hey,.......they can't help that!) They're playing a few slots at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod in July and have a few gigs lined up in the meantime. Congratulations - llongyfarchiadau cariad!!


  1. Sid said...

    nice one matey...see you Top of the chhlyannnssdllyyhn pops!  

  2. The Dude said...

    Congratulations, fella! Nothing like Mum to steal your thunder, eh? Come to think of it, she could've chosen a photo where you didn't have bits of food stuck all around your mouth.  

  3. The Dude said...

    Is it me or is this site turning into a Welsh National Appreciation Society, with a few choice contributions from the West Country Brethren? What happened to the rest of this fucking clan?  

  4. Big Deb said...

    Pr'n haun da cariad. I'chi nos a fariad y gwaud i'm gywyd y blaug. O'n gwaun i mi wy'm chantorion y gwlad. Maen hen wylad y gofu i'n annwyl i mi, chantoriona enwogion gwantorion o fri. Maen gwral rhi'd fel wa i maen y cym! Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Saesneg a gwry'l a prats!!!!

  5. The Dude said...

    Pyw'i cwmdaud llanelli! Gwasanathae y mucho gusto y'ach y da to you too!  

  6. Dame Judi said...

    Own up Deb - you don't know that much Welsh!At least the Welsh contingent use the blog. It's time we woke up the Norfolk Donkey.  

  7. Nick said...

    Well done darling cousin. Arse Pipes?!? I simply don't understand what the fuck they are. But hey, I couldn't think of anybody better with enough wind emitting from the arse region to play one of them! Congratulations boyo. x  


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