March 31, 2007
okay, so what kind of website have i stumbled onto here?? i can scarecly believe my welsh eyes as i scratch my head and wonder what in fecks name it could be i have in common with this apparently random collective of fart-obsessed degenerates...then i turn from the computer briefly to finish off the wine, i toke deeply on my cigarette and glug my coffee and i remember that it's just dna - it's a pesky little molecule, is dna...but at the end of the day it's very small - you can't even see it, so it can't be that important, can it?
Right i'm off to find some sheep mmmmmm....
Right i'm off to find some sheep mmmmmm....
Hi Kim. It's yer Mam here. Re: DNA. It may be small and pesky, but be grateful they invented cloning AFTER you were born. When all's said and done, YOUR hair really IS brown! xxx