I think it's high time for a family reunion photo such as this little gem! When are we going to get together and have a large knees up? I heard rumours of something happening in June, but that didn't happen (unless I wasn't invited....hmmm) and also something happening in September. So what's it to be you genetically repressed lot? Do I mean repressed? Or is it depressed? My god maybe the senile dementia has started already. Bugger! Anyway, suggestions on a postcard to www.duh.com! A sunshine coach will be available to transport those people who have ever been on anti-depressants! You can't miss it. It says Big Hairy Fanny on the side. Speaking of Big Hairy Fanny...
Yes the shortest of our two midgets has made it to the ripe old age of 2.
So wipe your nose, pull your trousers up, put your toys away and wish little Noah a Happy Birthday with us!
Happy Birthday little fella!
Hi, Its little Deb, Have really only just worked out how to do this after all this time, so i just wanted to say hi to all, those i know and those i dont. x
Well, we waited a long time for it, but the old goat from East Angular is finally amongst us. And what was his first, eagerly-awaited contribution to the site...?
"Why not stick some mustard up his arse and watch him turn into a greyhound?"
Let's have a vote. Shall we kick him off the site? Those in favour, say 'arse!'.
Stop War -