June 09, 2006

Well, we waited a long time for it, but the old goat from East Angular is finally amongst us. And what was his first, eagerly-awaited contribution to the site...?

"Why not stick some mustard up his arse and watch him turn into a greyhound?"

Let's have a vote. Shall we kick him off the site? Those in favour, say 'arse!'.


  1. Nick said...

    Now wait a minute Barn, this man finds photo's of his brothers unpleasant bent over position arousing, surely he needs our pity and not harsh rejection? Be gentle with the ole dogger. You never know when you might turn into one of them!  

  2. Nick said...

    Oh Fuck it, I say ARSE!  

  3. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...
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  4. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    Remember, I know who all of you are and I know where all of you live - my solicitors are very hungry and waiting to pounce - I'll have the shirts of all your feckin' backs! Anyway, I'm off to Deutchland next week to CUM ON ALL OUR BOYS, so in the meantime you bunch of saddo's
    can shove your pathetic blog-wotsit up your collective arse. P.S. dogging beats blogging, so don't knock it till you've dogged it!  

  5. Dame Judi said...

    Behave yourself in the Land of the Huns mini-bro. we don't want you sent home. And leave the boys alone!You can blog from there you know.I shall be watching the next England game in Spain. Hope I don't get sent home!  

  6. Debs2 said...



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