June 12, 2006
Posted by
11:05 pm
Hi, Its little Deb, Have really only just worked out how to do this after all this time, so i just wanted to say hi to all, those i know and those i dont. x
Hi, Its little Deb, Have really only just worked out how to do this after all this time, so i just wanted to say hi to all, those i know and those i dont. x
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Hi there. How are you and all your family? chris is trying to arrange a family get together in Sept or Oct. Emile and Noah are growing by the day and you haven't even met them yet! When Chris gets back from germany we should ask him to get on with it. Much love to all.xxxxx
Hi Aunty, my family and i are all doing ok, the girls are a little traumatised with recent events but they are coming to terms with everything and hopefully will be feeling better soon. Would love to arrange a get together, cant wait to see the boys, hope they are well and you and your lot are to. Much love back xx