A bottomless pit of mindless family goings-on
Lots of thoughts racing around my head, funniest being Would you like to come for a ride in my big hairy fanny! Any other offers from you funny folk?
Why is the guy bending over??
My Big Hairy Fanny can do 90mph down the motorway!
Lmao bex. No surprise you could think of lots of gaffs about a big old fanny!!!
OAPs ride in my Big Hairy Fanny for free!
Does anyone know where my Big Hairy Fanny is? We old people get forgetful and I've left my handbag in it.And my lunch.
Do you think Big Hairy Fanny will pass it's MOT?
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Why is the guy bending over??
My Big Hairy Fanny can do 90mph down the motorway!
Lmao bex. No surprise you could think of lots of gaffs about a big old fanny!!!
OAPs ride in my Big Hairy Fanny for free!
Does anyone know where my Big Hairy Fanny is? We old people get forgetful and I've left my handbag in it.And my lunch.
Do you think Big Hairy Fanny will pass it's MOT?