February 14, 2007

It's a funny old game...

I recently discovered something very disturbing about the new owners of my beloved football team, Liverpool, and, in the words of the late, great Natalie Imbruglia (OK, so she's not dead, but when did you last see or hear from her?), I'm torn.
According to a recent article in the Guardian, Tom Hicks, one half of the American team that has just paid £450 million for the Reds, was the single largest contributor to the George W. Bush re-election campaign.
Anyone who knows me will know how much I love the game and how my mood can easily be changed by a good or bad result. Now, a football team is for life and not just for Christmas (unlike American football teams, thanks Sam), so imagine the position I find myself in where my team, one of the oldest and most respected teams in the country, has just been sold to the highest bidder - a staunch supporter of the man I hate most in the whole wide world! I thought no-one could be worse than Abramovich, a Russian mafioso, who profited big time from the collapse of the Soviet Union, but I was wrong. Even the sale of Manchester United to the Glazers was acceptable in comparison.
What do you do? My immediate instinct would be to boycott my team, but how does one do such a thing? It is unimaginable, something with which I think even those who don't give a shit for football will agree. I know it's only a game, Ron, but what is the game coming to?


  1. Nick said...

    I'm so sorry, what a dilemma. I am one of those who really couldn't give two shites about the game, but still. You poor poor soul. Have you considered taking more interest in netball? Sorry again.  

  2. Big Deb said...

    What about local little teams? We've got several local refugee and BME teams - Congo, Somali,Bangladeshi etc. The Somali one recently won something or other (don't know what but apparently it was worth winning) . And pub teams. That's where it's still a sport and where it really brings people together and does something real and positive. The Big leagues stuff is just Big business from what I can see. xxx  

  3. Big Deb said...

    What about local little teams? We've got several local refugee and BME teams - Congo, Somali,Bangladeshi etc. The Somali one recently won something or other (don't know what but apparently it was worth winning) . And pub teams. That's where it's still a sport and where it really brings people together and does something real and positive. The Big leagues stuff is just Big business from what I can see. xxx  


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