February 25, 2007


Never mind that she's up for an Oscar tonight, our very own Dame Judi was yesterday mistaken for Big Deb's MUM by a friend calling round.!

Needless to say, it didn't go down too well and the poor bloke was met with the habitual tirade of foul language that we have come to expect from this particular OAP.


  1. Nick said...

    Isn't it about time you women told the family the truth? 'Aunty' Stephanie is (obviously) lying about her age and is in fact the mother of illegitimate 'Aunty' Deb. Christ, next you'll all start noticing how like 'Aunty' Deb 'Cousin' Rebecca is! Catch up guys!!! x  

  2. Big Deb said...

    We just realised we haven't seen that poor bloke since he called round. He's the secretary of the Village Committee you know. Come to think of it, no-one's been round since that fateful day! Bang goes our invite to the Bridge Circle!

  3. Anchorman said...

    I'm like Auntie Debs?!!!!! What?!  

  4. Dame Judi said...

    I don' think this at all funny.  


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