February 14, 2007

Following the glowing gig review the other day, Sam's album got a ripping write-up in the Bristol Evening Post.
'After the Fleece gig, Braithwaite's debut album has been greatly anticipated. And it certainly lives up to all expectations. Hi so-distinctive voice draws comparison with Van Morrison, especially when he dramatically switches mood from quiet and relaxed to a roar of passion, and he has a delivery similar to that of early John Martyn.
It's a pretty intense listen, but a richly rewarding one, for his well-crafted songs are highly-melodic and often extremely beautiful. He is backed by some of Bristol's notable musicians and the production is as crisp as you'd expect from Robot Club. Sitting On Top Of The World is one of those songs you find yourself singing for hours afterwards.
If anything, there are times when he wears his influences a bit too obviously, but when it comes to lyrical, well-observed writing, you can't blame anyone for nodding towards Springsteen and Dylan.
If Sweetness In Her Tears ever gets on to a Radio 2 playlist, Braithwaite will be a major star.'


  1. Nick said...

    Having heard the album, James and I think it's flipping great. Well done on the reviews too, really pleased for you Sam.  


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