September 11, 2006

Thankyou Uncle Chris for a wicked weekend. You did us all proud xxxxxxx


  1. Nick said...

    Cheers to that (Only without the raised glass of alcofrol). x  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    What a lovely weekend! It was great to see you all again. I especially enjoyed the kitchen concert, Nick singing Grandad's songs and the duet with Chris and Sam of 'Aint got no satisfaction'.And Bex pulling a party popper in Chris' underpants!Classic moments. Thankyou Lauren for looking after the little ones.XX  

  3. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    Yes, it was a good night! The house & garden look like Ground Zero, but it was worth it just to see us all back together again, pissed. Main problem is I can't find anything - feckin' guests! I expect I'll be playing 'where the fuck is it' for months to come. I went out on Monday and bought 'Won't Get Fooled Again' - I listened to it in the car all day yesterday and today with the volume at a splitting ear bleed level. Whenever I hear a Who track in future, I'll remember 9/11 and our wonderful Kitchen Symphony. So will the neighbours, I suspect!

    P.S. Who puked on my piss-soaker!? Froggy 'fessed up, but it doesn't smell very French to me! Will the real culprit please step forward.....! And has anyone seen my Radio Times?  

  4. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    P.P.S. Dame Judi: thanks for all your much-needed help - we couldn't have done it without you! And the coke's worked a treat on the BBQ - good tip! xxx  

  5. Big Deb said...

    It wasn't me that did the puke. But the dog-ends all over the garden.....that was me.  

  6. Dame Judi said...

    Poor old sod, doesn't even know what day it was! 9/9 not 9/11.I suspect it was Chris who puked and he can't remember.It was Frog who taught me about the coke - probably a French thing - but I've never drunk it since!  


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