September 13, 2006

Graceland The Photo Album

Hello all you crazy family bastards!
Thank you all for a lovely weekend. much belly laughs and merryment all round. the percussion was second to none, the chicken took years to be done, everyone got bossed by my Mum, fantastic free food in my tum, we all got thoroughly plummed and thankfully no-one got bummed!
I write songs i does! I also take pickatures wiv my magic time freezing box and have set up a slideshow of moments trapped in time for your viewing delactation.
Pay attension cos here comes the science bit.....all you have to do is click here (yes! on the actual word here!) and i shall whisk you away with the use of the black magic to a site called "Shutterfly" where you must put in this email address and then the password "cockles" to get to the file named.....Graceland. Click on that and set up the slide show using the side promts!
It sounds technical i know but if i can do must be spackerproof.
Enjoy our many chins and generally sigh at the mockery that the ravages of time has made of us all!
Love you all, Sam x

p.s. next time we must keep Noah off the babysham!!??!!


  1. Big Deb said...

    They're countless. Countless. Beyond number. Myriad. Just sooo many chins.  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    Good poem sam. How beautiful we all look in the photos!  

  3. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    Many loved ones in my home,
    Mostly seen in monochrome.
    First the music, now these pics.
    You great big fuckin' talented shit!!!

    Some really great piccies there, Sammy - you're the bizz, man! UNQSFx  


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