August 18, 2006

I know that you thought I had just become a big old hippy, living on protest sites, taking illegal substances and shagging lots of long hairs........And I was. But this is mostly why I wanted to save the 'fucking' tree's.

I am very much looking forward to seeing all you cock sucking raving loonies again in September. However, I will be bringing along a new boyfriend, whom I would very much like to impress. I suppose there's no chance of that with you fuck wits around!


  1. Dame Judi said...

    As the oldest fuckwit - no,no chance. There is no need to impress boyfriends, he's lucky to have you. He should be impressing you with how he handles your disgusting family!  

  2. The Dude said...

    Have you told him about your family from Bristol, who all suffer from Tourettes, Narcolepsy and chronic flatulence? Surely you should warn him before the big day or things could get embarrassing...  

  3. Debs2 said...

    My dads quite partial to ladies like that actually!!  


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