Sadly Thomarse has disgraced us all by getting only 3 Bs so now he has to go to Leeds univ and "do" Philosophy. He's ruined Christmas.....again! What a stuck up ponce!
Yes, but A Levels in Welsh, Religious Education and Sheep Shafting is hardly anything to be proud of is it? Cock sucker? Fucking nonce!! Ofcourse I'm still marginally proud and take all the credit for your relative wealth of intellectual prowess. x
Oh, 3 B's at A Level! There was me thinking Deb was proud because Thomarse had got 3 GCSE's (which must be quite an achievement in Wales).
Nice one Tommo. There's something extremely cool about 3 B's, I just can't quite put my finger on it...
Enjoy Leeds. It's a ferkin' great place to go to uni. Just watch out for the over-sensitive fire alarms in the halls of residence (I'll tell you about it at Uncle Fatty's in September).
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Congratulations Tom. Leeds is a great city and philosophy is a good grounding for joining the police force - oops sorry - service.
Congrats Cuz, very very proud of you. xxxx
Yes, but A Levels in Welsh, Religious Education and Sheep Shafting is hardly anything to be proud of is it? Cock sucker? Fucking nonce!! Ofcourse I'm still marginally proud and take all the credit for your relative wealth of intellectual prowess. x
Oh, 3 B's at A Level! There was me thinking Deb was proud because Thomarse had got 3 GCSE's (which must be quite an achievement in Wales).
Nice one Tommo. There's something extremely cool about 3 B's, I just can't quite put my finger on it...
Enjoy Leeds. It's a ferkin' great place to go to uni. Just watch out for the over-sensitive fire alarms in the halls of residence (I'll tell you about it at Uncle Fatty's in September).