Alun says I have to ask Fat Chris to measure the width of his garden to see if we can pitch our tent there next weekend. How many insulting variants and innuendos can we all make from this?
Kindly inform the mutton worryer that I'm sure my soiled area is more than big enough to accommodate his camp erection. P.S. I'm laying on a barby - does he have any moral objections to eating lamb?
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The (Inbred) Postman only comes twice??
Enough silliness. Will I see both of my welsh cousins next weekend???
Can't wait. xxx
Kindly inform the mutton worryer that I'm sure my soiled area is more than big enough to accommodate his camp erection. P.S. I'm laying on a barby - does he have any moral objections to eating lamb?
He could probably bring one he's finished with.I'd have no objection.