August 31, 2006

Alun says I have to ask Fat Chris to measure the width of his garden to see if we can pitch our tent there next weekend. How many insulting variants and innuendos can we all make from this?

August 18, 2006

I know that you thought I had just become a big old hippy, living on protest sites, taking illegal substances and shagging lots of long hairs........And I was. But this is mostly why I wanted to save the 'fucking' tree's.

I am very much looking forward to seeing all you cock sucking raving loonies again in September. However, I will be bringing along a new boyfriend, whom I would very much like to impress. I suppose there's no chance of that with you fuck wits around!

August 17, 2006

Stinking Thinking

Sadly Thomarse has disgraced us all by getting only 3 Bs so now he has to go to Leeds univ and "do" Philosophy. He's ruined Christmas.....again! What a stuck up ponce!

August 06, 2006


Once in a while a song is composed, one that seems to be plucked from the very souls of the Muses, surpasing even that music of the spheres given earthly form by The Singing Postman (sorry, Chris).
There may be the interneti-literatati amongst you who have already been blessed with the knowledge, but I feel unable to hold back from sharing my epiphany with you all anyway.
A note of caution - this IS suitable for children, but not for those with a fear or loathing of llamas.
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