October 04, 2007

Happy Birthday Spaz!

It's that time of year again and our Sam is now the ripe old age of 33! Cor Blimey! And STILL an irritating C U Next Tuesday!

Spaz, you are a truly unique individual and I hope you never ever change! You deserve to be sooooooooo happy! Especially with your birthday present you lucky schmuck! I will no doubt tell you how amazing you are when we get drunk this weekend so I'll save it for then!! (And don't tell BB but you are also the most amazing person I know!!!)

Love you oodles! Lots of filing cabinets Bex xxx


  1. Big Deb said...

    I disagree. There are lots more amazing people than the Samster. Sooty for instance. And Fern Britton. And Phil Collins. And that slag off of Eastenders. However, none of them are as talented, good looking or witty as him.
    .....er......no.....that slag IS as good looking as him.


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