September 12, 2007

Feeling old?

I don't know about you lot, but seeing Emile standing there in his little school uniform really made me feel old. It seems like only yesterday that I was stood next to Sam in front of our old front door in Manchester on his first day at school.

I can't believe how excited he's been about starting his new school too. I never remember feeling that excited. What about you?


  1. Anchorman said...

    Hey Barn seeing as we're the only two people who probably ever look at this site shall we start some kind of secret societ in it?! x  

  2. The Dude said...

    Yeah. I'm going to change the title to Cockneys are wankers and see how long it takes for anyone to cotton on and complain.

    Watch this.  

  3. Nick said...

    Ha! I noticed immediately, but happen to agree with it so said nowt!! Seriously though, are you the only 2 with office jobs!!  

  4. Dame Judi said...

    BB, why don't you contact Stacey, Holly and Lauren and teach them how to use it? I,m sure they would like to.  

  5. Big Deb said...

    Some of us have other things to do. Some of us have a life!!


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