March 31, 2007


okay, so what kind of website have i stumbled onto here?? i can scarecly believe my welsh eyes as i scratch my head and wonder what in fecks name it could be i have in common with this apparently random collective of fart-obsessed degenerates...then i turn from the computer briefly to finish off the wine, i toke deeply on my cigarette and glug my coffee and i remember that it's just dna - it's a pesky little molecule, is dna...but at the end of the day it's very small - you can't even see it, so it can't be that important, can it?
Right i'm off to find some sheep mmmmmm....


It seems to me that this particular lane of the interenet super-highway is little more than a refuge for fart jokes and barely disguised sexual inuendo. I shall see if we can't inject a little proper culture from the shunting yards of the valleys into the proceedings.
*draws sleeve across nose and sniffs deeply*
Right now, however, I can't seem to think of anything so pull my finger...

Personally, I've always been a fan of the Marx Brothers. Them and Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, Laurel & Hardy... Frankly, the Stooges always stood alongside the over-rated likes of Chaplin and Abbott & Costello in my books.

However, with the advent of the internet, even laboured slapstick schtick like theirs can be made funny, all with the simple addition of sound effects (admittedly, almost everything can be made funnier with the use of these sound effects).

I might be 35, going on 36, but this had me and the boys, not to mention Bex in tears. I defy any of you not to laugh at least once.

So simple and yet so fundamentally funny to anyone with a child inside them.

Who said computers can't be educational?

P.S. Don't even ask me how I came across this on You Tube. It was for the boys. Honest!

March 17, 2007

Introducing the new family member James Caswell.

I do feel pressured to point out a few facts about him:
He isn't gay
Nor is he blind
He's not mentally challenged
Nor is he desperate.
Hope to see you all at the wedding where I expect you to behave unlike your usual selves! Also, don't tell him anything about me until after the ceremony!!! Ha.

March 16, 2007

This is what Charlie thinks of red-fucking-nose-fucking-day-fuck. Who said mongrels were stupid ?!

March 15, 2007


Hello...hello....hello.....? Anybody there....there....there...
Blogsite: Something a family or group of people with common interests contribute to on a DAILY basis with anything from nice recipes to how much pie and mash can fit in a dustbin, from where people have been on their holidays to where you would not recommend! I keep saying it and may appear to sound like a nagging beyatch but I wanna know what you're all up to as opposed to getting drips and drabs through my ever more senile Dame, I mean mother!
So Nic, how did you meet your new beau? Little Debs, how's everything going? How are the girls? Are you still enjoying going out on the town? Big Debs, are you better yet? Chris, have you married Jane yet? Sorry I mean Sian!!!
I am going to live in Corsica for a bit in 2 weeks time and would really like to be able to keep in touch with everyone through this thing! That's what it was originally for after all! And as for the personal life, erm, I have met the man of my dreams and am having his baby in two months time, but I have decided to become a lesbian so that's that!

March 09, 2007

Hello all
I'll be 50 in October.....eeeeek!! But there's one thing worse than being 50 and it must be having a baby sister who's 50 - ha ha ha!!
And I want presents. Either:
a. donations to pay for a DNA test to find out where in the world we're all from, or
b. anything atall from the oxfam catalogue
Happy Birthday to me!


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