January 17, 2007

Dear Sam Braithwaite fans,

I bring you New Year greetings and the latest Sam Braithwaite news

January Events:

Wednesday 24 January: Playing with the full band at The Fleece, Bristol. Headlining slot. On Stage 9.30pmTicket Price £4 (£1 off with e-flyer!)

Friday 26th January: Solo Slot at The Louisiana, Bristol. Supporting "Fortune Drive". On stage 8pmTickets SOLD OUT (ask me for guestlist possibillities?)

Saturday 27th January: Solo slot at The Louisiana, Bristol. Supporting "Fortune Drive" Onstage 8pmTickets SOLD OUT (ask me for guestlist possibilities?)

For the gig at The Fleece please mention my name when you come in as it will be used to indicate who people came to see i.e Me!. For Guestlist applications for The Louisiana gigs email me at sambraithwaite77@hotmail.com.

Hope to see you all there on the 24th,

Love Sam

The album "Two Fingers" is now available for you to play, review, or download via http://www.itunes.co.uk. Remember that signed copied are still available from http://www.sambraithwaite.com or www.myspace.com/sambraithwaite.



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