December 11, 2006

Hoooorah!!! The mighty album "Two Fingers" by Sam Braithwaite (whoever he is!??) has just gone live on itunes music store!!!

A long time in arrangement but it finally means that you can download a bit of Sammy at the mere click of a button right across America and all over Europe.
It also means i can eligible for record sales and downloads in charts etc! I realise you all probably have a copy of the album and that you're probably sitting there muttering "when will he shut up up about his fucking music!??" under your breath but the reason i bring this to the attention of my articulate and well versed Families is that you write online reviews that link to the page on itunes so anyone passing by can read and go ""Ooh that sounds interesting!" and buy some tracks and so on!
Whilst i realise putting really crappy reviews would be hill-hairy-ass please don't as people would take this as gospel and not know you are taking the piss!!
It also means you can download it as a ringtone to annoy your friends or just me??
Also don't put your surnames on reviews as i will look like a tool.
You can visit the page by putting my name into the search box at the top right of the music store page and feel free to tell a friend which is a button available once on the actual page (you'll see when you get there!)

Cheers Folks,




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