May 08, 2006

Hello, hello (yes, we do love to milk the police jokes don't we?).

Well I have nothing productive as yet to add to this wholesome enterprise, apart from some inappropriately long words apparently, except to address the slanderous comments made about my character - comments such as 'OC is his fave show', that's crap, alright? Sure, I've watched it a few times, but I didn't inhale. And this whole ecclesiastic/law and order/boy in blue/man of the cloth bollocks is well out of line. So stop it at once, or you're all going to hell, you bunch of cockney thieving yobs.

Love you all, (except Uncle Fats, he knows why - dirty, dirty man) Tom x


  1. Nick said...

    Tom your such a wonderful and weird boy! God how we love/pity/tolerate you!!
    Your Uncle Chris joke offends me deeply though! I work with abused children and I think you went too far with that one? But thank fuck you don't remember what I used to do to you!

  2. Big Deb said...

    I'll book him in with a shrink tomorrow to recover his memories......and then we'll sue!  


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