May 06, 2006

Remind You of Anyone?!

Uncle Mick?

Mum or Deb?


PC Tom?

Uncle Fatty?


  1. Big Deb said...

    Is that PC Tom bloke the one off The OC? Ha ha ha ha! Tom's favourite porg - do make a point of teasing him relentlessly about this. He doesn't seem to have cottoned on to this site yet so you can get away with anything!  

  2. Nick said...

    Frightening!! Poor Tom, always was a wee bit on the simple side, eh?  

  3. Dame Judi said...

    It's time to pester Uncle Chris to do a bit of blogging don't you think? And Mick.  

  4. Nick said...

    I am very much on that case! By posting that very nauseating photo, i hope to entice my father into a revenge attack???!!!
    And i have harassed chris plenty to come on too, maybe somebody has some nauseating photo's of him just to piss him off into joining the cult??  

  5. Big Deb said...

    I once had access to an exquisite photo of Uncle C flashing his little willy, full monty, at the camera. It was worth a fortune. Sadly, he stole it back.  


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