May 07, 2006

A little mouse in a windmill!

Here's Little Chrissie at the door of his windmill in Old Hamsterjam. His flat is quite nice, which makes it all the harder to work out why he looks like he's slept in a shop doorway!


  1. Nick said...

    What a wonderful sweety he is, but he absolutely looks like a scraggy old tramp boy! Are you sure he's not pimping himself to the homeless community? he'd do well with that pretty boy face?!?  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    Whatever he's on - I'd like some. Can he send me some seeds?  

  3. The Dude said...

    He has shurely been shmoking the crazy shmoky weed and then weeing in hish own troushers, no? Looksh like he hash been up all night with the shexy Amshterdam ladieesh.  


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