Massive great big AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! He's bloomin' gorgeous! Does he have any idea what's in store for him I wonder?!!! Congrats guys! Hope all's well! x
He is beautiful!I remember his grandad with lots of curly blond hair! Like the Warning sign in the background! Hope he will be a great eco-warrior, like his mum. Keep posting the photos please.
What a little beauty. Gorgeous. Hope you're all well and getting some rest (bottles are brilliant and so are dummies!)Big congrats and lots of love. xxx
He is indeed a luvverly little chap!!! How ever much time has he spent on that sunbed? Next time I'm up the Smoke I'll bring him back some of the delectable Cockerney you-know-what so we can give him a proper East End Christening. Not too many pies though - we don't want him to end up with a face like his Great Auntie Deb! Looking forward to seeing him again soon. xxx
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Massive great big AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! He's bloomin' gorgeous! Does he have any idea what's in store for him I wonder?!!! Congrats guys! Hope all's well! x
Congratulations to Nic and James. What a sweet looking little fella.
He is beautiful!I remember his grandad with lots of curly blond hair! Like the Warning sign in the background! Hope he will be a great eco-warrior, like his mum. Keep posting the photos please.
Thought it was Caswell-Grace? Has it changed?
What a little beauty. Gorgeous. Hope you're all well and getting some rest (bottles are brilliant and so are dummies!)Big congrats and lots of love. xxx
He is indeed a luvverly little chap!!! How ever much time has he spent on that sunbed? Next time I'm up the Smoke I'll bring him back some of the delectable Cockerney you-know-what so we can give him a proper East End Christening. Not too many pies though - we don't want him to end up with a face like his Great Auntie Deb! Looking forward to seeing him again soon. xxx
Great Auntie?!
No, not "Great"...........supreme.