October 23, 2008

OK, that got your attention.

Welsh musical wizards "Calan" are currently running around Wales in support of some fancy-arsed Canadian band. More importantly, the long-awaited CD is finally available and begging to be heard - even in England. Fear not, the label, inlays etc are all bilingual (which, by the way, is nothing to do with oral sex).

Anyhooo... no hard sell, just think of the poor boy huddling around his dwindling candle as the light and heat fades, torn between buying gloves from oxfam to prevent his guitar-picking fingers becoming frost-bitten, or scavenging for a piece of cast off meat to dip in luke-warm carrot-water (see that... that's Cawl that is).

Anyone seeing the Welsh branch in the foreseeable should buy from us rather than the record company website, as the band get a bigger cut. Otherwise... enjoy.


You can hear some more here - -



  1. Dame Judi said...

    Wonderful. Can you give the details so we don't have to wait until we see you? How much and can you please post it to me?  

  2. Ivor said...

    Details..details ??

    I thought that what was in the links. Streuth!

    Anyway - it's about 12 quid, and that includes 3 bonus tracks, holy mother of moses! We can of course post if you really can't wait.  


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