August 26, 2008

......But I think that I've been kidnapped by aliens or even that I'm carrying the spawn of the devil! Anyway, it appears that the old girl is pregnant!

Hope your all well. Really sad not to be able to make the party. Have a lovely session and try not to forget that, just coz your family are as weird as you are, it doesn't make it alright! Thank god I escaped the Grace neurosis, addictive personality and anal retention!!!!


  1. The Dude said...

    Congratulations to you both. That's fucking great news. Any idea what flavour it is yet?  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    What wonderful news! Is that the umbilical chord I can see or a very long willy? xx  

  3. Big Deb said...

    Congratulations to you both and ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!! Fantastic news you'll need some lessons on making chips! Feet up, lots of rest, no change there then! Oodles of love xxxx  


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