July 07, 2008

The Changering

Sam is off in Kefalonia at the moment, which is a shame as he has been waiting for this site to go live for ages now!

Check it out: www.thechangering.com

Keep your fingers crossed that this is his big break...cos he's a shite receptionist!


  1. Dame Judi said...

    Sam's song is Bob Dylan's 'Times they are a changin'. Its a great recording and in a good cause so play it and buy it.  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    Wait a while as the whole website is not working.There are other sites that should be available.  

  3. Ivor said...

    hmm... played it... tried to buy it... but checkout registration is only available to US residents. Now, a shite receptionist he may be, but taking up residence in the land of the free and the home of the brave is one step too far I'm afraid. Any alternatives?  


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