May 14, 2008

Eye Eye Dame Judi!

Just a quick one thinking of Dame Judi who is having a much needed eye operation today! She's been completely blind for a while now and couldn't even go out in sunlight because it made her dizzy or drive at night (or in the day for that matter!). Stubborn old bag that she is, she didn't want anyone to look after her or pay any attention to it, so I thought we should all pay lots of attention and completely embarrass her!

Get well soon Muvva! Love you lots! Looking forward to 'see'ing you this weekend! x


  1. dave angel said...

    Get well soon you old Ratbag !  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    Am already well Shitface. Have one bionic eye and will soon have another. Have never had such brilliant eyesight even with glasses - which I will no longer need.  

  3. The Dude said...

    What about for drinking wine?  

  4. Big Deb said...

    Cl oes . Af tch uc . o ing , hi !!  

  5. Big Deb said...

    Can you not read it Steph?!!!  

  6. Anchorman said...

    You evil cow! Mum keeps wondering why I'm taking the piss so much about her eye thing! Ahh sweet payback! 28 years worth!!! x  

  7. Nick said...

    I wonder if that's why I can't drive for shit? And my eye condition must be genetic. Thanks Aunty Steph, I feel much better.  


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