April 08, 2008

High Five!

Yep, Emilio is officially 5 today. Although he's somewhat confused as we've already celebrated his birthday party on Sunday, it's his birthday today, but he can't have his prezzies until his mum comes back from France tomorrow morning. He's taking it quite well, although that's probably something to do with the diet of pure sugar that I've had the kids on since Steph left on Saturday morning.

Thought I'd instigate a little caption contest with this pic from Emile's party. Entries welcome.

Happy birthday Emile.


  1. Dame Judi said...

    How about 'Swivel on this Emile. It's my birthday next!'  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    Why not a picture of Emile and some from his birthday party with Sam as Batman?  

  3. dave angel said...

    Now thats what I call a boggie !  


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