ALL LAWYERS ARE CUNTS! Just in case you didn't already know! I couldn't put this post on the other family site cos they are mostly lawyers!
At work this morning I was asking my colleague about inquests and what the point of them is, as my cousin Ben is going to an inquest over his car crash last year at the moment. Quite a sore subject still! My CUNTING LAWYER boss walks in and stands by my desk listening in for a bit. She then interrupts rather rudely and asks where the mugs are as she wants coffee. I explain that another colleague put them in the kitchen yesterday so that's where they are. She TOLD me to go and get them, not asked nicely, despite the fact that she could quite easily have done so and looked at me as if I was a silly little servant who shouldn't forget such things! CCCCCCUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNT! I've grown used to being treated like a hunk of junk second class citizen in this office but that was the last straw! What is it with lawyers? Where did they get this notion that they are superior to EVERYONE on this planet? Is that part of the syllabus? Are they reminded on a daily basis? If you think about it, they are actually exceedingly INFERIOR to EVERYONE on this planet because they are paid insubordinate amounts of cash to screw people over the best way they can and use posh words like OTIOSE or AVERS! And even then they delegate most of THAT work so that they have time to go to fucking lunch! I spend my days typing up papers for women claiming sex discrimination cases because their male peers are paid more or students who have been stitched up on their degree classification, or students with mental health problems trying to get what they rightly deserve by fighting the Universitywho are trying to chuck them out because they 'simply can't deal with that weirdo'!. And all these FUCKERS do is try and find the loophole which says NO WAY JOSE are you gonna get a dime out of us or screw our reputation! And these lawyers are fucking FEMALE! Where's their sense of solidarity? Why don't they use their 'superiority' to write new legislation which gives everyone a fair ride? Rrrrrrrrrrr! I HAAAAATE THEM!
Anyone fancy a pint?
Yep, Emilio is officially 5 today. Although he's somewhat confused as we've already celebrated his birthday party on Sunday, it's his birthday today, but he can't have his prezzies until his mum comes back from France tomorrow morning. He's taking it quite well, although that's probably something to do with the diet of pure sugar that I've had the kids on since Steph left on Saturday morning.
Thought I'd instigate a little caption contest with this pic from Emile's party. Entries welcome.
Happy birthday Emile.