February 28, 2008

Radio spectacular

Last week the great, the good, the bad and the ugly gathered at the BBC theatre in Cardiff to record a St David's day music extravaganza.

The biggest names in Welsh traditional and folk music were pressed into submission as supporting acts for the (relatively) new phenomenon that is now known to the world at large as "Calan".

All manner of living things flocked to the venue. But do not dispair if you could not be part of the lucky few.

This not-to-be-missed concert will be transmitted on Saturday 1 March as part of the "Celtic Heartbeat" programme at 7.25 pm on BBC Wales. Those unfortunate enough not to live on the better side of Offa's dyke will probably need to resort to the internet to listen.

Go on, give your ears a treat... You cannot afford to miss this gala performance.

Oh and by the way... Calan... that's Chris's band.


  1. Dame Judi said...

    Was not around to see it. Do you have a recording?  

  2. dave angel said...

    Ditto Dame Judy.  


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