I have volunteered to arrange a Knees Up. Any suggestions? Where? When? Who? Why? All very deep questions, but can I trust you to come up with the answers!
I agree with my little sister. How about late september/october? Sam has now passed his driving test so he should be able to come this time. Or, we could go to big Debs???Camp in the garden?
Is it worth investigating Big Deb's old idea of usinga bloody great youth hostel in Wales for a family get together? I'm sure this was talked about a while ago. Or maybe it was a nightmare I had recently...
Hostels - only available out of season so we'd have to hurry or do it later in the year? Welcome to camp in my ....ooops...OUR garden. Not sure what we'd do with Charles? What about taking tents to a place.....there's a brilliant farmers field near Brecon, by a stream/river type thing, with trees....no loos or amenities -would be great for a night or 2? There's a place to have a camp fire....or a straight one even. xx
My god Debs! That joke actually made me laugh! I think the camp thing is a great idea! How's about somewhere in the middle though so none of us have to drive for 10 hours! My geography is rubbish so couldn't suggest anywhere! I get the feeling we're just going to discuss this yet again and not actually do anything! Nic, get your bossy hat on and get on with it! x
Okay Cokey Pig in a Pokey. I have made contact with a reasonably priced youth hostel very near to the welsh border. At £525 for 2 nights, it's one of the cheaper properties, do you all feel that this is acceptable? I've thought about dividing this about 10 ways, what do you think? Higher, Lower, Stick?? I don't like this taking control thing, I might slip into some leather bondage, that might feel a bit easier!
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I'm in! Anywhere, anytime, anyone?
I think we should all go to Nick's place.
I agree with my little sister. How about late september/october? Sam has now passed his driving test so he should be able to come this time. Or, we could go to big Debs???Camp in the garden?
Is it worth investigating Big Deb's old idea of usinga bloody great youth hostel in Wales for a family get together? I'm sure this was talked about a while ago. Or maybe it was a nightmare I had recently...
Hostels - only available out of season so we'd have to hurry or do it later in the year?
Welcome to camp in my ....ooops...OUR garden. Not sure what we'd do with Charles? What about taking tents to a place.....there's a brilliant farmers field near Brecon, by a stream/river type thing, with trees....no loos or amenities -would be great for a night or 2? There's a place to have a camp fire....or a straight one even.
My god Debs! That joke actually made me laugh! I think the camp thing is a great idea! How's about somewhere in the middle though so none of us have to drive for 10 hours! My geography is rubbish so couldn't suggest anywhere! I get the feeling we're just going to discuss this yet again and not actually do anything! Nic, get your bossy hat on and get on with it! x
Okay Cokey Pig in a Pokey. I have made contact with a reasonably priced youth hostel very near to the welsh border. At £525 for 2 nights, it's one of the cheaper properties, do you all feel that this is acceptable? I've thought about dividing this about 10 ways, what do you think? Higher, Lower, Stick?? I don't like this taking control thing, I might slip into some leather bondage, that might feel a bit easier!
Can you tell us where? How near the Welsh border? It could be Manchester!
It's a property in Shropshire called Clun Mill. But, they are very slow in getting back to me so we shall see.