The person speaking is Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Centre on 9/11. The expression 'pull' is a demolition industry term meaning controlled demolition by the use of pre-positioned explosive charges to destroy structures. So I agree - WTC 7 was indeed deliberately demolished. The question is, by whom? The fire service deny responsibility and nobody else has been identified as the person(s) responsible. Most importantly, when were the charges placed? Controlled demolitions of buildings in cities are designed to implode the structures, making them sink into their footprints and fold in on themselves into a small consolidated rubble piles and this is precisiely what happened to Building 7. Demolition experts agree operations of this nature require a huge degree of precision and take weesk to plan and execute, not just a couple of hours. If Building 7 was on fire, surely that's not a good place for a demolition expert to be walking about carrying demolition charges? So could the charges already have been in place before 9/11 - if so, lots of issues are raised about the events of that whole day. P.S. Silverstein now denies Building 7 was deliberately demolished.