November 21, 2007

9/11 Even More Food

This is NBC's footage of the same event......................

..........believe it now?


  1. Anchorman said...

    My only problem with this is that none of the footage shows the bottom of the building and the geography. There WTC were close to this building and their collapse could have rocked the foundations to the point where this one collapsed?  

  2. The Dude said...

    What was in that building?  

  3. Sid said...

    This building was deliberately knocked down due to the stress fractures and foundation damage from the demise of the Twin Towers!

    In need of safety and space for the rescue mission to find possible survivors the city officials decided to finish off the already irreparably damaged buildings and if you listen to the commentary on the second clip again you will hear the fella talk about dynamite specifically put in to bring it down!

    No conspiracy...just fact.  

  4. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...

    The commenator doesn't say dynamite was specifically placed to bring this building down, he says it's "reminiscent" of a building deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down. Precisiely. I think the building was demolished in this way, unlike the OFFICIAL FEMA report which states "World Trade Center Seven collapsed on September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m. The performance of WTC 7 is of significant interest because it appears the collapse was due primarily to fire, rather than any impact damage from the collapsing towers. The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time." Why does the OFFICIAL report say this when the evidence is very much to the contrary - see next video clip!  


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