September 10, 2007

Another first for Emile...

Not happy with starting big school this week, Emile was on fire at the weekend and, with a little prompting (well, I just removed his stabilizers without consulting him, so he didn't have much choice!), decided he was going to ride his bike unassisted for the first time. Given that his previous experience of bike riding consisted of a couple of little jaunts on his bike complete with stabilizers, this was quite a dramatic jump.

I thought he'd just get bored of falling off all the time and had no idea that it could be learned so quickly, but no. He took to it with such enthusiasm that he just wouldn't stop. When we finally got him off his bike, the adrenalin must've been pumping through him, as he just ran around like a headless chicken.

Every time I see the footage, I can't help feeling a deep, fatherly pride.

P.S. I'll try and sort out the lop-sided filming thing when I get a mo. Til then, either turn your head sideways or turn your computer screen on its side - whichever's easiest.


  1. Big Deb said...

    what a clever sausage! Unicycle next?


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