July 29, 2007

Unfortunately the only rain to fall on the festival all weekend started about an hour before Sam was due to go on stage. However, the crowd stayed to brave the elements and were treated to a delectable slice of Braithwaite pizza - this time with extra Braithwaites, as Bex and I joined forces singing backing vocals as part of a 7-strong gospel stylee choir for a couple of rockin' numbers. It was noisy (Emile's words), but boy did we rock.

It was worth it all to see little Noah, perched upon his mum's shoulders in the middle of the crowd making rock signs with both hands. It must've made quite an impression on the little tykes, as Emile would not go to bed that evening until he had his guitar in bed with him. Not only that, but we were peacefully sleeping until, at 6.55am, Emile and Noah woke us by counting in 1,2,3,4... before unleashing a storm of out-of-tune guitar strumming and out-of-time drumming, accompanied by a cacophonous rendition of Sam's Standing In The Place ('Uncle Sammy standing in the place...'). What a wake up call.

Sam's now promised them guitar lessons. Heaven help us.


  1. Big Deb said...

    It was very good.......very wet, but very good! Put some photos on please Barn.  


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