November 24, 2006

Thank Fuck For You Guys!!!

Having just spent a lovely weekend with Dame Judi and Uncle not so Fatty I thought I would write a soppy post for all you Cockney-Slitty-eyed-Jowel mongers!

I just wanted to say I am so glad I have you guys as family, as the other side of my family are a complete and utter waste of space. A bunch of posh idiots who don't seem to appreciate the true meaning of family! It's a long story and very dull so I won't bore all you lovely people with it! But their tendency to sweep things under the carpet is really bringing out the Grace blood in me and I just want to sit them all in a room and tell each and every one of them what everyone else is saying behind their ignorant, blind backs! Rrrrrr! Any ideas as to how to bring out all the unspoken tensions between them all?! Because otherwise, I swear I will tell them where to shove their retarded posh wankerness! So far I have been told to keep my mouth shut and let it lie, but that's what they're all doing and I don't agree with it! I have never been one to keep schtoum! Answers on a postcard please!


  1. Nick said...

    Buggering Buggery. Sounds like a real shitter! I know what you mean about this side of the family though. I'm painfully honest even when I don't want to frigging be. Sometimes I wish I could sweep things under't carpet, but I feel utterly compelled to deal with everything openly until I bore even myself with it! I suppose ideally is to have a stable balance between the two types. Oh but those dreaded words .......... Stable and Balance, such easy utterances, and yet often completely unachievable for my UberGrace personality.
    Good Luck with it though dearest cuz. x  

  2. Nick said...

    Buggering Buggery. Sounds like a real shitter! I know what you mean about this side of the family though. I'm painfully honest even when I don't want to frigging be. Sometimes I wish I could sweep things under't carpet, but I feel utterly compelled to deal with everything openly until I bore even myself with it! I suppose ideally is to have a stable balance between the two types. Oh but those dreaded words .......... Stable and Balance, such easy utterances, and yet often completely unachievable for my UberGrace personality.
    Good Luck with it though dearest cuz. x  

  3. Big Deb said...

    What's all this swearing? We'll have no swearing here. This is a local blog for local people.  

  4. Dame Judi said...

    What's happening out there to all you graces? Let's have all the family news.Get Uncle Chris to put his pictures of our recent trip to France on the blog.  

  5. Uncle Not-Quite-So-Fatty said...



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