May 27, 2006

Oh such a perfect day!

My perfect day would start with seeing this man lying next to me! Bongiourno fella!I would like to know what you're perfect day would entail? Who would be in it? What would you do? Where would you go? It can be anything you want it to be! It's your day! And who knows, maybe one day it might just come true!


  1. Nick said...

    Good idea East Wind. I need to seriously think about this!!!  

  2. Dame Judi said...

    Like Nick, I will have to think about this but i am sure Pie and Mash will figure in it somewhere.Probably Eusebio, Walter Matthuae, Yves Montand and Daniel Auteuil would also figure in it. .Possibly, the Royal family and a machine gun? And a wall?  

  3. Nick said...

    Ok I've decided. I want to wake up with a gorgeous man who happens to worship me! Have tea, take the dog for a walk along the beach, then spend the day with my man, being the happiest I've ever been. And then I wake up in the shower from my wonderful dream!!  

  4. Dame Judi said...

    Nick, you have been watching too many American films!  


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