Hello! Looks like I'm one of you lot too! Wouldn't think it would you, what with the ever so slightly increasing jowel length, slitty chinese eyes which disappear when I smile, fat arse, genetic smoking habit, smutty humour and incessant wheeze when doing anything even remotely strenuous!
Whilst I'm here: can anyone explain the pie and mash thing to me? I desperately tried to like it! I really did! And it's not like I haven't tried a vast array of different things! I love snails for fuck's sake! What is it about pie and mash which could be any worse than things that crawl along the floor in their own juice? (And no Big Debs, I'm not talking about you!)
Answers on a postcard to: sleazyslut@lardarse.com.
(By the way, with regards to the picture, I can't explain this, but ask Alun and Debs! They seem to think Patsy reminds them of me! Can't for the life of me think why!)
One just needs a more sophisticated palate. Give it time.