March 25, 2006

Welcome to Cockles & Mussels

This simple Blog site is your place to be who you want and say what you want. Cockles & Mussels is a place to share your thoughts on anything or nothing at all with those you love (well, most of them). Whatever it is, big or small, stupid or serious, right or wrong, jump on board and get it off your chest.

And it couldn't be easier to participate - even my mum can do it! If you're reading this, then you've managed to log in and register on I'll issue some instructions via e-mail as to how everyone can access and edit the site, as well as how to include photos, links or even video to your posts.

Look forward to hearing from you all - one day! BB


  1. Dame Judi said...

    Us girlies will get there and then you'll be sorry!  


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