June 26, 2007

If you go to this magic formula you will be able to hear Chris's band.

June 20, 2007

Nick's big day's getting nearer and I though it was high time I tried to find out a little more about what the plan was for the weekend in Peterborough.

I know this is a long shot, trying to do things via the blog. It's usually a really useful way to get everyone talking together, but everyone seems to have abandoned it. And don't tell me you've got more interesting things to do with yourselves!

The 4 of us are planning on coming over with Bex (what is it, about 16 hours in the car?). I don't think Sam can make it as he has no transport - the muppet is still learning to drive and his missus is away that weekend.

So? What's the score?

June 15, 2007

June 14, 2007

No, I'm not still going on about my birthday last week! It's (not so) little Noah's birthday today. It doesn't seem like 3 years ago that I watched the little fella pop out of Steph's downstairs cupboard, but, by the hair on Matt Damon's head, it is! And he even had the decency to wait until the England v France Euro 2004 match had finished. You can't ask for more consideration than that. For that gesture, he can get away with anything. And does. Regularly. His mum is absolutely besotted with him and let's him get away with murder. Don't be fooled by the cute little smile and the never ending professions of love - inside, he's a cunning little dude.

But we love him loads. He's very excited about being 'Mr. 3'. Happy birthday Noah!

June 07, 2007

A very Happy 36th Birthday to the eldest cousin today!
Reasons why Barn is so ace:
1. He's all kinds of lovely, ALL the time!
2. He's always encouraging when you've had enough ("not much longer now...")
3. He's THE most annoying man in the world at the WORST moments and has even made some of us cry!
4. He farts like an expert...
Well, you get the gist! Basically the nicest guy I've ever had the pleasure to meet and I'm so glad you're my big bro!
So have a great day and I look forward to the next time any of us have the pleasure of seeing you in this state!!!
You know how I know you're gay? Cos it's your Birthday!!!
So join me in telling Barn exactly why we all think think he's ace!
P.S. Noah says Happy Birthday day Daddy! I luf you Daddy!
P.S.S. Emile says Bagga Yo yo and can I have a blue and a red one and then I want.....

June 02, 2007

What with the start of this year's Big Brother, the ongoing search for little Maddie and the recent spell of bad weather we've been having, everyone's been so occupied that we went and forgot little Chris' birthday last Monday. He's 93, but I'm sure you'll agree, he looks bloody good for his age. It's amazing what can happen to a man once he gets signed up by a record company - new clothes, new haircut, clean pants, bit of a facelift... He's certainly made a huge impact in Germany, the land of the Mighty Hoff. Say no more.

Happy birthday, fella.


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